Wednesday, February 2, 2011

ToDdLeR HoArDiNg

On this weeks episode of "Toddler Hoarders" we vist young Chad William Greaby, age, 2 1/2, along with his known addiction to "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" Chad is now coming out with his equally obsessive compulsive disorder of hoarding..... Sure, they may look like all fun and games, but with just a toddler sized bed, a 35 pound little boy and an abundance of "guys" as he calls them..... there just isn't much room for a boy to get a good nights sleep, or his parents for that matter. The panic that sets in at 3 am when he can't find a simple fisher price pig or tiger is scary for a little guy, and frustrating for a tired mama who just wants to sleep at 3 am not search all over and under the bed for a simple little pig. The answer is simple, stop taking 50 things to bed.... well, simple to you, not to him.... another simple answer, a bigger bed, but then does that beg the question of "bigger bed, more stuff??" We shall have to wait and see when the upgrade to a bigger bed is made... hopefully sooner rather than later.

Enter into evidence, the provided picture, the yellow bucket contains all the items found under the bed that have been slyly pilfered from the bed little by little on a nightly basis by mama, although her efforts seem to have gone un-noticed, and have just been replaced by new things a boy "needs" in bed. Notice the 4 sippy cups of water, one would suffice, but 4 is his demand, and yet, he always seems to find the one empty cup in the middle of the night, and needs it filled..... The fact remains, the boy loves his "stuff" and is darn proud of it.......


Anonymous said...

Hahahahahaha!!! Did he line it up all by himself too? And we have a version of the yellow tub where Nathan's hoarded items are hidden too!

The Greaby Family said...

LOL Becky, they really must share some DNA somewhere!!!
I told him I wanted to take a picture of all his bedtime stuff, he was more than happy to show them off!

Laura @ Our Messy Messy Life said...

Rachelle, that is hilarious!